Impressive Antique Car Museum in Tallahassee, FL

Right next to the RV park, we stayed at (Tallahassee RV Park, 12/2022) was the Antique Car Museum in Tallahassee, Florida which is a must-see for any car enthusiast or collector. We found out that this two-story 100k sqft museum is the private collection of Tallahassee entrepreneur Devoe Moore and showcases a wide variety of early 20th-century antique, classic cars, and modern cars. In addition, there were tons of other collections such as motorcycles, outboard boat engines, early 20th century fans, calculators, typewriters, dolls, model cars & airplanes, Star Wars merchandise, Steinway & Sons grand pianos, and even what is believed to be the hearse for Abraham Lincoln. There was more than that, and we have some pictures below, but that’s what I can remember and it was definitely one of the more interesting museums we’ve enjoyed. Admission for two is $35 and it is also a Harvest Host where you can stay overnight in the giant grass field next to the parking lot.

Antique Car Museum in Tallahassee Pictures