Cat’s First Walk in Snow

Cat Walking in the Snow

Cat Walking in the Snow

With all the snow in Arizona, we decided to continue on our journey. There was a winter storm warning in New Mexico too but Albuquerque was forecasted to only get a few inches of snow.

The weather in Albuquerque can change really fast. By morning a few inches of snow blanketed everything outside. We decided to let our cat, Tinkerbell, go outside to experience her first snow. Did she like it? Check out our video. Don’t have time to read this now? Pin it for later!

Albuquerque Weather Changes Fast

We got settled at the RV park in Albuquerque, but there were high wind gusts so we brought in the passenger slides. It isn’t very comfortable with the slides in but we didn’t want to worry about the slide toppers getting damaged. Plus they flap in heavy wind and the sound is annoying.

At one point we couldn’t find Tinkerbell. She had found something new. She figured out how to jump from the passenger chair to the top of the slide (which was now retracted inside the motorhome). Crazy cat!

How fast can the weather change in Albuquerque? Fast! Which is something I did not expect. When we arrived there was no snow, but by morning a few inches blanketed everything outside. I was amazed by how fast the snow came and went because by the afternoon all the snow on the roads had melted.

Two days later we went to watch a movie (only $5/person at the AMC before 4 pm!), and by the time we came out, it was snowing and continued to snow hard on our drive home.

Tinkerbell’s first time in the snow

Cat’s First Snow Experience

That next morning there was still fresh snow on the ground and it was warm enough that we thought Tinkerbell might enjoy checking it out. We put her harness on and took her outside for her first snow experience.

How did she like it? Check out the video to see. If she could talk I think she would say “That was fun but I prefer dirt. I am not rolling around in that cold snow.”

Looking for things to do in New Mexico? Take a look at our New Mexico articles. Like cats? Take a look at our Cats articles. Where are we going next? Don’t miss an adventure, subscribe today.

Albuquerque Pictures